wa12clmN_gfdlesm_rcp45_ua_2086 Karlsruhe Institute of Technology Projected Future (2070-2099): High Resolution (12km) WRF-GFDL Atmospheric Eastward Wind over West Africa nc
wa12clmN_gfdlesm_rcp45_sftlf_2069-01 Karlsruhe Institute of Technology Projected Future (2070-2099): High Resolution (12km) WRF-GFDL Atmospheric Eastward Wind over West Africa nc
wa12clmN_gfdlesm_rcp45_ua_2092 Karlsruhe Institute of Technology Projected Future (2070-2099): High Resolution (12km) WRF-GFDL Atmospheric Eastward Wind over West Africa nc
wa12clmN_gfdlesm_rcp45_ua_2099 Karlsruhe Institute of Technology Projected Future (2070-2099): High Resolution (12km) WRF-GFDL Atmospheric Eastward Wind over West Africa nc
wa12clmN_gfdlesm_rcp45_ua_2098 Karlsruhe Institute of Technology Projected Future (2070-2099): High Resolution (12km) WRF-GFDL Atmospheric Eastward Wind over West Africa nc
wa12clmN_gfdlesm_rcp45_ua_2097 Karlsruhe Institute of Technology Projected Future (2070-2099): High Resolution (12km) WRF-GFDL Atmospheric Eastward Wind over West Africa nc
wa12clmN_gfdlesm_rcp45_ua_2096 Karlsruhe Institute of Technology Projected Future (2070-2099): High Resolution (12km) WRF-GFDL Atmospheric Eastward Wind over West Africa nc
wa12clmN_gfdlesm_rcp45_ua_2095 Karlsruhe Institute of Technology Projected Future (2070-2099): High Resolution (12km) WRF-GFDL Atmospheric Eastward Wind over West Africa nc
wa12clmN_gfdlesm_rcp45_ua_2094 Karlsruhe Institute of Technology Projected Future (2070-2099): High Resolution (12km) WRF-GFDL Atmospheric Eastward Wind over West Africa nc
wa12clmN_gfdlesm_rcp45_ua_2093 Karlsruhe Institute of Technology Projected Future (2070-2099): High Resolution (12km) WRF-GFDL Atmospheric Eastward Wind over West Africa nc