
7 results

Climate data North Benin 2009

    This document describes the averages of Minimum and Maximum Temperatures in 2009 and the rainfall amounts recorded in the same year. Characteristics range between 2007 and 2009 and reflect the monthly temperature averages in Northern Benin. The...

    Harvest Whole Benin 2009-2010

      Data describes harvest evolution in whole Benin between 2009 and 2010 in terms of yield, superficies used and productivity. The closer look of the ATACORA Department where WASCAL undertook fieldworks shows the previsions and the realizations...

      Dams in North of Benin, 2011

        This document produced by CERPA in 2011 is a report on the number of water reservoirs/dams per commune in the departments of Atacora / Donga and points of the fishing infrastructures. The objective of this project is to identify pastoral water...

        Agricultural Data North Benin, 2009-2010

          This document presents agricultural data collected in northern Benin provided by CERPA (Centre Régional pour la Promotion Agricole) in 2011. They are recorded in a set of tables informing on inputs (fertilizers and insecticides) used for food...