WASCAL Competence Centre, scientific arm of WASCAL, located in Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso

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WASCAL Data Sharing Policies


Sharing research data strengthens open scientific culture and collaboration, fosters diversity of research analyses, inspires new research horizons, helps envisage new or alternative hypotheses and methods, allows the exploration of new research topics not examined by the initial
researchers, eases the education of new researchers and professionals, and can lead to better decision support by leveraging (interrelating and aggregating) data from various and multiple datasets.

In pursuit of the objective of strengthening research through data sharing, all data generated as a result of funding by WASCAL or project managed by WASCAL are to be considered for sharing and made as widely and freely accessible as possible (open access) when applicable,
whilst safeguarding intellectual property, the privacy of participants and confidential data.

The following Data Sharing Policy (DSP) is a WASCAL DSP stating clearly under which rules data should be used and shared by WASCAL-related scientists.

Therefore, WASCAL staff members and any other WASCAL-related scientists shall consent to the hereby Data Sharing Policy, if not otherwise stated within bilateral agreements with individual researchers or institutional partners in the projects and programs funded or led by

Likewise, other persons and data providers interested in WASCAL scientific activities (research, services development, capacity building) are encouraged to acquaint themselves with it.

Release Date
Spatial / Geographical Coverage Area
POLYGON ((-16.287731006742 16.291382981781, -17.725940868258 14.519778748055, -15.009321793914 10.85684743663, -13.01180832088 7.0691768470232, -7.9780731350183 4.1272866608719, -4.6222487837076 5.1625678497117, -1.7458290606737 4.3663293145926, 1.1305933445692 5.4807911457864, 3.0482064932585 6.4344079369198, 4.6462156623602 6.4344079369198, 5.3653212636709 4.6849337226282, 7.1231337636709 4.0475895747262, 8.641245290637 4.7645625313151, 9.2005502432585 6.7518977966467, 11.038260385394 6.7518977966467, 12.236773297191 8.415071193603, 13.435280844569 10.307059342169, 14.633788391948 12.265839849857, 13.674979135394 13.744964613609, 13.674979135394 14.751704256738, 14.633788391948 15.984373230149, 15.352893993258 17.056783327827, 15.91219894588 20.160972832189, 14.793589040637 22.910563160945, 11.677468344569 23.571310947198, 5.9246262162924 19.635063292853, 3.4477081149817 19.031907789077, 1.2104936689138 21.207457480202, -4.7820494323969 25.100070064089, -6.4599616080523 25.027693478666, -5.421254709363 15.676894109882, -10.055486932397 15.368948603389, -11.813299432397 14.983380241907, -13.411311283708 16.061169585733, -14.529918506742 16.674465980472))
Spatial / Geographical Coverage Location
West Afica
Covered Regions/Countries
French (France)
Contact Name
Belko Abdoul Aziz Diallo
Contact Email
Data Rights and Credits
Data Rights
Diallo Belko A. A.; Ogunjobi Kehinde; Kone Daouda; Sawadogo Moumini
Public Access Level
Data Citation
Diallo Belko A. A.; Ogunjobi Kehinde; Kone Daouda; Sawadogo Moumini (2021): WASCAL DATA SHARING POLICY AND GUIDELINE 2.0, Working Document.
Data Credits to Individuals
Data Steward
Data Custodian
Data Disseminator
Data Scientist
Data Manager
Data Credits to Organisations
Data Provider
Data Publisher
Data Funder
Data Owner

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