WASCAL Competence Centre, scientific arm of WASCAL, located in Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso

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Bamako-42: WASCAL Donated Automatic Weather Station in Mali


This is a BMBF funded Automatic Weather Station (AWS) donated by WASCAL to Burkina Faso through Mali-Météo to strengthen the climate observatories of the member countries, co-develop together a regional/transboundary observation network to ultimately contribute to filling the climate data gap in West Africa.

According to the MoU signed with Mali-Météo, the data from this AWS should only be used for research, capacity building, and services development. Any commercial use of the data is forbidden.

The metadata and the variables collected from this AWS include the followings:

Manufacturer: NESA
Date of Installation:
Location: Bamako(Mali)
Current status: Working
Frequency of measurement: 10 min
Frequency of data transmission to the server: 60 min
Data platform for download: www.wascal-hydromet-net.org
Link to the AWS page: http://www.wascal-hydromet-net.org/station-details-recent/42

Variables measured as in the data available for download:

Date and Hour Parameter Unit Type Value
7/12/2017 13:40 Air Temperature °C Average 34
7/12/2017 13:40 Air Temperature °C Minimun 33.7
7/12/2017 13:40 Air Temperature °C Maximun 34.3
7/12/2017 13:40 Relative Humidity % Average 40
7/12/2017 13:40 Relative Humidity % Minimun 38.2
7/12/2017 13:40 Relative Humidity % Maximun 42.1
7/12/2017 13:40 Global Solar Radiation W/m2 Average 746.1
7/12/2017 13:40 Global Solar Radiation W/m2 Minimun 631.1
7/12/2017 13:40 Global Solar Radiation W/m2 Maximun 847.9
7/12/2017 13:40 Wind Speed m/s Average 2.7
7/12/2017 13:40 Wind Speed m/s Minimun 0.8
7/12/2017 13:40 Wind Speed m/s Maximun 5.1
7/12/2017 13:40 Rainfall mm/h Totalization 65.2

Data and Resources

Release Date
Spatial / Geographical Coverage Area
POINT (-7.987060546875 12.647038251368)
Covered Regions/Countries
Data Rights and Credits
Data Rights
Public Access Level
Data Credits to Individuals
Data Disseminator
Data Scientist
Data Manager
Data Credits to Organisations
Data Provider
Data Publisher
Data Funder
Data Owner

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