

Data Author

Data Scientist


553 results

Template for common data (preferred!)

    Use this template for quantitative (tables) as well as qualitative data (reports) etc. without spatial reference in form of coordinates (use vector/raster data template for that). Description of intended content for the metadata elements are...

    Land Cover of West Africa, 250m resolution, 2006

      Land use/cover classification of West Africa based on multi-sensor earth observation data. The regional land cover/use map for West Africa has a spatial resolution of 250 m. It is based on earth observation data from three optical and radar...

      Cereal banks in The Gambia – a case study

        During the 1970s, when severe droughts affected West African farmers, cereal banks became popular in the region. However, things quickly became very quiet again about this type of food security scheme, probably also because many of the cereal...

        Annual Rainfall data of Ghana and Burkina Faso, 2013

        Graduate Research Program

          This data shows annual rainfall data of 2013 in Ghana and Burkina Faso. This rainfall data was extracted from Tropical Rainfall Measuring Mission (TRMM) dataset by NASA. Rainfall data based on TRMM is estimated on a global 0.25 ° x 0.25 ° grid...