Precipitation and temperature data for stations Kandi and Natitingou, Benin
Data is on yearly basis.
Data is on yearly basis.
Average rainfall figures. Monthly measurements in mm/m2
Data is on yearly basis.
The meteorological dataset consists of infilled half-hourly meteorological measurements for seven climate stations and three eddy covariance stations. The stations belong to the hydro-meteorological network established for the Vea and Sissili...
Climate data Tambiri-1/Burkina Faso Measured parameters: Air temperature Relative humidity Precipitation Windspeed Winddirection Barometric pressure Shortwave incoming radiation Shortwave outgoing radiation Longwave incoming radiation...
This table entails the full list of all plots sampled on the woody vegetation on 20x50m plots, which include the documentation of species, measuring allometric data of such species on the plots and other related data.
Cette étude fournit une analyse des observations environnementales effectuées par les agriculteurs, ainsi que des modèles d'inculpation dans le nord du Ghana, une région agricole extrêmement vulnérable au changement climatique. Les données...
Northern Ghana has been a pilot region for implementing drinking water programs. The Canadian International Development Agency (CIDA) has acted as a key player in constructing hand pumps and small-town water systems, as well as in designing...
Raw data from population census in the year 2000 for Upper East Region. Per district: Bawku West, Bawku East, Bongo, Builsa.
Cette chronologie historique résume les événements les plus importants du processus d’élaboration des politiques du CCA au Burkina Faso