Precipitation Data Lare/Burkina Faso daily, 2013-15
Precipitation data Lare/Burkina Faso Measured parameters: Precipitation Timestep: daily
Precipitation data Lare/Burkina Faso Measured parameters: Precipitation Timestep: daily
Precipitation data Tambiri-2/Burkina Faso Measured parameters: Precipitation Timestep: hourly
Northern Ghana has been a pilot region for implementing drinking water programs. The Canadian International Development Agency (CIDA) has acted as a key player in constructing hand pumps and small-town water systems, as well as in designing...
The free list data was generated from ethnobotanical interviews which were carried out in northern Ghana and southern-central Burkina Faso. This dataset only contains 450 interviews from 15 villages (seven in Ghana and eight in Burkina Faso) to...
Food production, yield and area estimates of selected crops (maize, rice, millet, guinea corn, groundnut, cowpea, sweet potatoe, soya bean) by districts in the Upper East Region, Ghana 1991-2009.