Precipitation and temperature data for stations Kandi and Natitingou, Benin
Data is on yearly basis.
Data is on yearly basis.
Data is on yearly basis.
Data is on yearly basis.
This survey aims to collect data on farmers in the Niger basin of Benin. The data collected are relative to: (i) demographic information; (ii) crop production; (iii) livestock production; (iv) off-farm activities, and wages; (v) Access to...
This survey aims to collect data on farmers in the Niger basin of Benin. The data collected are relative to: (i) demographic information; (ii) crop production; (iii) livestock production; (iv) off-farm activities, and wages; (v) Access to...
This survey aims to collect data on farmers in the Niger basin of Benin. The data collected are relative to: (i) demographic information; (ii) crop production; (iii) livestock production; (iv) off-farm activities, and wages; (v) Access to...