
4 results

White-Sky Albedo, West Africa, 2000-2014

    White-sky broadband albedo, based on the MODIS MCD43B3 product for West Africa from 2000 to 2014. The MODIS standard dataset has been enhanced by data quality assessment, gap filling and temporal filtering of the layer Albedo_WSA_Band_shortwave....

    Leaf Area Index, West Africa, 2007-2012

      These datasets show the leaf area index (LAI), the one-sided area of green leaves per unit ground area for West Africa from 2007 to 2012. The regionally adapted, continuous, and gap free time series has been created by data fusion methods based...

      Fractional Vegetation Cover, West Africa, 2007-2012

        Time series of fractional vegetation cover (fCover) information for West Africa. The regionally adapted, continuous, and gap free time series has been created by data fusion methods based on fCover products of LSA-SAF (

        Land Cover of West Africa, 250m resolution, 2006

          Land use/cover classification of West Africa based on multi-sensor earth observation data. The regional land cover/use map for West Africa has a spatial resolution of 250 m. It is based on earth observation data from three optical and radar...