Daily Min/Max Temperature and Precipitation at Kara Station, Togo,
Daily Min/Max Temperature and Precipitation at Kara Station, Togo, 1961 - 2012
Daily Min/Max Temperature and Precipitation at Kara Station, Togo, 1961 - 2012
Number of housing units given for different numbers of occupants in rural or urban areas of the Togolese communes Tambigou, Borgou, Mango, Sadori, Mogou, Tchamonga, Tchanaga.
Population of communitis in the Oti river basin, Togo. The numbers are on village, commune, and prefecture level. Prefectures: Kpendjal and Oti.
Min/Max daily temperature at Yendi station, Ghana, from 1960 - 2010
Daily windspeed and min/max relative humidity at Kara station, Togo, 1977 - 2011
Daily Min/Max Temperature and Precipitation at Kara Station, Togo, 1961 - 2012
Daily Min/Max Temperature and Precipitation at Dapaong Station, Togo, 1961 - 2012
Daily Min/Max Temperature and Precipitation at Mango Station, Togo, 1961 - 2012
Daily Min/Max Temperature and Precipitation at Niamtougou Station, Togo, 1961 - 2012
Daily windspeed and max/min relative humidity at Dapaong station, Togo, 1981 - 2011