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Infilled Half-Hourly Meteorological Time Series for Climate Stations and Eddy Covariance Stations in Northern Ghana and Southern Burkina Faso - December 2012 to January 2014 - Version 1


The meteorological dataset consists of infilled half-hourly meteorological measurements for seven climate stations and three eddy covariance stations. The stations belong to the hydro-meteorological network established for the Vea and Sissili watershed in Southern Burkina Faso and Northern Ghana. The dataset contains seven meteorological variables: the mean incoming shortwave radiation [W/m2], the mean incoming longwave radiation [W/m2], the mean air temperature [°C], the mean horizontal wind speed [m/s], the mean sea level pressure [hPa], the mean specific humidity [g/kg] and the total precipitation amount [mm]. The data set is available from 1st of October 2012 to 31st of December 2013. The infilling of measurements was done using a spatiotemporal infilling algorithm based on an inverse distance approach. Other meteorological information such as heat fluxes can be also provided by request. Further information about the data sets and the meteorological network will be given in a future publication which was recently submitted to a special issue on “Hydrological Observatories” of the Vadose Zone Journal.

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