The data set contains the applications to the WASCAL Farmer Innovation Contest. The contest took place in the years 2012-2015, respectively, in the Upper East Region in Ghana.
Eligible to partake in the contest were local small-scale farmers form the region. Their agricultural innovations could be either of technical, institutional or organisational kind. A broad range of innovation themes were covered, such as animal husbandry, crop management or storage innovations.
The table provides information about the applicants, e.g. basic demographics, and their innovations, e.g. theme of innovation, problem addressed, or obstacles and costs in applying the innovations.
The data was collected in questionnaires that served as the application to the contest. Local extension officers assisted in the application process. In the final step, a jury of experts evaluated the innovations and determined the contest winners. Winners of the contest were awarded with material or monetary prices.
Additionally, the data set provides basic descriptive statistics for all contest runs, e.g. share of pest or disease related innovations of total innovations.
Data and Resources
Field | Value |
Modified | 2024-03-06 |
Release Date | 2019-09-03 |
Identifier | 5061459a-dc80-4d50-89cb-d1ac0d419072 |
Spatial / Geographical Coverage Area | POLYGON ((-1.62596 11.12018, -1.62596 10.36462, 0.1758 10.36462, 0.1758 11.12018)) |
Covered Regions/Countries | |
Temporal Coverage | Tuesday, September 3, 2019 (All day) |
Language | English |
Contact Name | Tobias Wünscher |
Contact Email |