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Database on Rangeland related Variables from Climate Gradient (Northen Ghana - Central Burkina


The database contains point data from several sites within the study area, comprising a steep south-north gradient of climatic aridity reaching from northern Ghana to central Burkina Faso between 9.0°N and 13.5°N latitude and 0.1°W and 2.0°W longitude. It is located in the southern and northern Sudanian zone of West Africa’s savanna belt, capturing a precipitation range of 600 mm to 1200 mm corresponding to UNEP aridity indices of 0.31 (semi-arid) to 0.69 (humid).

Data collection took place at 44 sites during the rainy seasons in 2012 (June-September) and 2013 (July-October) and the end of the rainy season 2014 (October). Our sampling design intended to cover diverse vegetation types and a wide range of land-use intensities (including protected and degraded areas). We stratified sampling at sites by topographic position (upslope, footslope and lowland). At each slope position per site, 3-5 plots (10x10 m) were placed, containing three random circular subplots.

The point data collected at each (sub)plot contains modelled data on forage quality (metabolisable energy) and quantity (green & total biomass) from spectrometric measurements, vegetation relevées (i.e. species data, vegetation clusters, phenology, photosynthetic pathway, height, cover, life span...), interview data on livestock keeping, grazing pressure and soil attributes (N, C, P, soil depth, soil structure...).

Based on climate data, aridity indices were calculated. Based on fire occurrences detected by satellite images, fire frequency around sites was calculated. Based on soil moisture values detected by (radar) satellite images, soil moisture was extracted and modelled for the time of data collection.

Further information:

Ferner, J., Linstädter, A., Südekum, K. H., & Schmidtlein, S. (2015). Spectral indicators of forage quality in West Africa’s tropical savannas. International Journal of Applied Earth Observation and Geoinformation, 41, 99-106.

Data and Resources

Release Date
Spatial / Geographical Coverage Area
POLYGON ((-2.28512 13.52492, -2.28512 8.69684, -0.30758 8.69684, -0.30758 13.52492))
Covered Regions/Countries
Temporal Coverage
Thursday, March 10, 2016 (All day)
Contact Name
Jessica Ferner
Contact Email
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Data Rights
Jessica Ferner
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