Projected Future (2070-2099):High Resolution (12km) WRF-MPI-ESM-MR Atmospheric Eastward Wind over West Africa, (WASCAL Project) Climate Data Custodian: MedaSymphorien
Projected Future (2020-2049): High Resolution (12km) WRF-MPI-ESM-MR Atmospheric Northward Wind over West Africa, (WASCAL Project) Climate Data Custodian: MedaSymphorien
Projected Future (2070-2099):High Resolution (12km) WRF-MPI-ESM-MR Atmospheric Northward Wind over West Africa, (WASCAL Project) Climate Data Custodian: MedaSymphorien
Projected Future (2020-2049): High Resolution (12km) WRF-HADGEM2 Post-Processed Atmospheric Upward Wind over West Africa, (WASCAL Project) Climate Data Custodian: MedaSymphorien
Projected Future (2020-2049): High Resolution (12km) WRF-GFDL Post-Processed Atmospheric Upward Wind over West Africa, (WASCAL Project) Climate Data Custodian: MedaSymphorien
Projected Future (2020-2049): High Resolution (12km) WRF-MPI-ESM-MR Post-Processed Atmospheric Upward Wind over West Africa, (WASCAL Project) Climate Data Custodian: MedaSymphorien
Projected Future (2070-2099):High Resolution (12km) WRF-MPI-ESM-MR Atmospheric Upward Wind over West Africa, (WASCAL Project) Climate Data Custodian: MedaSymphorien
Daily Outputs of Near-Surface Relative Humidity from the High Resolution (12km) Regional Climate Model Simulations (WRF-ERAInterim) over West Africa, 1980 - 2010 (WASCAL Project) Climate Data Custodian: MedaSymphorien
High Resolution (12km) WRF-MPI-ESM-MR Simulated Near-Surface Relative Humidity over West Africa, 1980 - 2009 (WASCAL Project) Climate Data Custodian: MedaSymphorien
High Resolution (12km) WRF-GFDL Simulated Atmospheric Upward Wind over West Africa, 1980 - 2009 (WASCAL Project) Climate Data Custodian: MedaSymphorien