Bias-Corrected and raw CORDEX-AFRICA daily precipitation for Burkina Faso - CSIRO-QCCCE-CSIRO-Mk3-6-0_historical_r1i1p1_SMHI-RCA4_v1 - Historical Period (19500101-20051231)Bias-Corrected and raw CORDEX-AFRICA daily precipitation for Burkina Faso - CSIRO-Q Climate Data Custodian: MedaSymphorien
Data from the Irrigation Company Of Upper Region Ltd. (ICOUR, Upper East Region, 2008-2013) Land Use Data Custodian: MedaSymphorien
Value for the Vulnerable? Sustainable Smallholder Development in Northern Ghana and the Value Chains of Tomato, Chili and Rice. Dissertation 2016 Climate Data Custodian: MedaSymphorien
Number of forage species abundance and habitat types according to local agro-pastoralists in both northern Ghana and southern-central Burkina Faso-2012-2013 Climate Data Custodian: MedaSymphorien
Le stockage de l'eau: une contribution à l'adaptation au changement climatique en Afrique Climate Data Custodian: MedaSymphorien
Blessing and destruction. Climate change and trajectories of blame in Northern Ghana Weather conditions Data Custodian: MedaSymphorien
Questionnaire sur les migrations de retour transfrontalières, Burkina Faso, Dano Climate Data Custodian: MedaSymphorien
Niveaux des eaux souterraines dans les systèmes d'irrigation de Bongo et Vea dans la région de l'extrême est du Ghana_2014-2016 Soil Data Custodian: MedaSymphorien