Evaporation Measurements at Basse Station, The Gambia
Monthly evaporation raw data from station Basse in The Gambia.
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Monthly evaporation raw data from station Basse in The Gambia.
Bias corrected data of AFRICA CORDEX run, here: ICHEC-EC-EARTH_historical_r3i1p1_DMI-HIRHAM5_v2. The bias corrected is done based on the concept of a quantile-quantile mapping using a fitted normal distribution and AgMERRA Input Data; Temporal...
Bias corrected data of AFRICA CORDEX run, here: CNRM-CERFACS-CNRM-CM5_historical_r1i1p1_CLMcom-CCLM4-8- 17_v1. The bias corrected is done based on the concept of a quantile-quantile mapping using a fitted normal distribution and AgMERRA Input...
Groundwater dynamic for Tambiri1_2 station in the Dano catchment for the period April 22/07/2013 to 20/12/2014. Station coordinates (UTM): X 502053.256 ;Y 1236379.28
Groundwater dynamic for Tambiri2 station in the Dano catchment for the period 22/07/2013 to 20/12/2014. Station coordinates (UTM): X 502535.857 ;Y 1235939.018
These LULC maps were created through automatic digital classification of RapidEye imagery acquired during the cropping season of 2012. Two monthly time-steps (June and October) were analyzed.Reference (or field) data on which the classification...
Bias corrected data of AFRICA CORDEX run, here: ICHEC-EC-EARTH_historical_r12i1p1_MPI-CSC-REMO2009_v1. The bias corrected is done based on the concept of a quantile-quantile mapping using a fitted normal distribution and AgMERRA Input Data;...
This survey aims to collect data on farmers in the Niger basin of Benin. The data collected are relative to: (i) demographic information; (ii) crop production; (iii) livestock production; (iv) off-farm activities, and wages; (v) Access to...
Bias corrected data of AFRICA CORDEX run, here: MPI-M-MPI-ESM-LR_historical_r1i1p1_SMHI-RCA4_v1. The bias corrected is done based on the concept of a quantile-quantile mapping using a fitted normal distribution and AgMERRA Input Data; Temporal...
Raw data from several climate stations in The Gambia. Monthly minimum and maximum temperature and rainfall from the stations: - Banjul - Basse - Fatoto - Janjanbureh - Jenoi - Kaur - Kerewan - Sapu - Sibanor - Yundum