Household and Population Census Data, The Gambia, 2013
Numbers of households and population by Local Government Areas, Districts, and Settlements, 2013, The Gambia
Numbers of households and population by Local Government Areas, Districts, and Settlements, 2013, The Gambia
Dynamique des eaux souterraines pour la station Tambiri3_1 dans le bassin versant de Dano pour la période du 02/04/2014 au 02/12/2014. Coordonnées de la station (UTM): X 502582.08; Y 1236246.71
Raw data from several climate stations in The Gambia. Monthly minimum and maximum temperature and rainfall from the stations: - Banjul - Basse - Fatoto - Janjanbureh - Jenoi - Kaur - Kerewan - Sapu - Sibanor - Yundum
Monthly evaporation raw data from station Basse in The Gambia.
This survey aims to collect data on farmers in the Niger basin of Benin. The data collected are relative to: (i) demographic information; (ii) crop production; (iii) livestock production; (iv) off-farm activities, and wages; (v) Access to...
We interviewed stakeholders in the land use planning process at the district level to get a clear understanding of urbanization and the process of formal and informal land use planning, as a complement to already existing data. Stakeholders are...
The questionnaire was conducted in August 6 - 8, 2014, with 7 PhD and MSc participants of the "First International Conference on Enhancing Resilience to Climate and Ecosystem Changes in Semi-arid Africa" in Tamale, Ghana. The questionnaire was...
The questionnaire is about current and future direct and indirect drivers of land use/cover change (LUCC) and trends of land cover and crop types under "business as usual" in the Upper East Region (UER). The questionnaire was conducted between...
The time series of maps is showing three differnt forage parameters (green biomass, metabolisable energy, metabolisable energy yield) from 04.12.2015 to 29.09.2016. The covered area matches the Vea catchment at the border region of Ghana and...
Time series data on rainfall and temperature in Sénégal 2000 - 2011 (monthly data). Stations: DAKAR-YOFF, SAINT-LOUIS ZIGUINCHOR, TAMBACOUNDA, CAP-SKIRING, KAOLACK, LINGUERE, MATAM, DIOURBEL, PODOR, KEDOUGOU, KOLDA, BAKEL, BAMBEY, FATICK,...