Precipitation and temperature data for stations Kandi and Natitingou, Benin, 1954-201
Data is on yearly basis.
Data is on yearly basis.
This vegetation data comes from surveys conducted in November 2015 on savanna plots in Burkina Faso. Plots are distributed in three areas: the municipality of Dano, the regional reserve of Bontioli, and the national reserve of Nazinga. A total of...
Precipitation data Aniabisi Upper slope/Ghana Measured parameters: Precipitation Timestep: 10 min
Soil properties in the present excel files concern field and laboratory analysis data of the Dano catchment. Data are related to bulk density, stone content, pH, carbon content, nitrogen content,carbon stock, nitrogen stock, CEC, texture (sand,...
This table contains survey data regarding ecological drivers which influence changes in trends of forage species abundance in both Ghana and Burkina-Faso.
Data is on yearly basis.
This study revealed that local agro-pastoralists were quite aware of their own actions that could influence the changing abundance of the natural forage resources. Moreover, the local informants suggested means through which their rich LEK in the...
This table entails the full list of all plots sampled on the woody vegetation on 20x50m plots, which include the documentation of species, measuring allometric data of such species on the plots and other related data.
This table contains survey data whether the forage resources cited by local agro-pastoralists were increasing or decreasing rapidly or gradually or were being stable or they had no idea at all.
Air temperature (Celsius) and air relative humidity (%) were measured on 28 savanna plots in Burkina Faso. Plots are distributed in three areas: the municipality of Dano, the regional reserve of Bontioli, and the national reserve of Nazinga....