Precipitation Data Lare/Burkina Faso daily, 2013-15
Precipitation data Lare/Burkina Faso Measured parameters: Precipitation Timestep: daily
Precipitation data Lare/Burkina Faso Measured parameters: Precipitation Timestep: daily
Climate data Tambiri-1/Burkina Faso Measured parameters: Air temperature Relative humidity Precipitation Windspeed Winddirection Barometric pressure Shortwave incoming radiation Shortwave outgoing radiation Longwave incoming radiation...
Precipitation data Tambiri-2/Burkina Faso Measured parameters: Precipitation Timestep: daily
This vegetation data comes from surveys conducted in November 2015 on savanna plots in Burkina Faso. Plots are distributed in three areas: the municipality of Dano, the regional reserve of Bontioli, and the national reserve of Nazinga. A total of...
Precipitation data Aniabisi Down slope/Ghana Measured parameters: Precipitation Timestep: 1 day
Total abundance of bee species in savannas of low (Nazinga area), medium (Bontioli area) and high (Dano area) disturbance intensity in the south of Burkina Faso. Data were collected with pan traps for a period of 21 months in 2014 and 2015...
The number of damaged (= non intact, not fully developed or aborted seeds, that are not viable) was significantly increased after spontaneous self-pollination than after cross pollination. This is a clear sign of inbreeding depression in the lack...
The table shows the turbidity-based suspended sediment concentration and loads as calculated based on the regression equation of turbidity and manually taken sediment samples
The floral anthesis of flowers of Moringa oleifera were carried out in 2014 in Dano, Burkina Faso. The flowers are open for several days and proteandrous, e.g. the anthers release pollen before the stigma (female part) is receptive. After the...
flower visitor observations were carried out for 180hours in the dry and rainy season 2014 in Dano, Burkina Faso. Flower visitors were considered as potential pollinators when either touching anthers or stigma of the flowers and thus potentially...