Soil carbon stocks map of the Dano catchment, Burkina Faso, 2016
The carbon stock map was established using the Random Forest map based on about 1300 soil samples from the topsoil (A horizon).
The carbon stock map was established using the Random Forest map based on about 1300 soil samples from the topsoil (A horizon).
This gridded precipitation set is a test data set (BETA VERSION). The daily precipitation data set was created using a spatial interpolation technique using ordinary kriging. The gridded data set is based on 410 daily observed precipitation time...
The meteorological dataset consists of uncorrected half-hourly meteorological measurements for seven climate stations and three eddy covariance stations. The stations belong to the hydro-meteorological network established for the Vea and Sissili...
Summary: Mean Daily Flow Station Number : 01002001 Station Name : Nangodi on Red Volta Time-Series Type : Flow (cumecs) Latitude : 10:52: 0 N Longitude : 0:37: 0 W Elevation : 184.1 metres Area : 16568.0 sq km With gaps!
This dataset is the seventh of a series of datasets addressing farmers' adaptation to climate change in West-Africa, specifically in Dano, Burkina Faso and Dassari, Benin. This data was obtained by interviews with 137 people from 17 communities...
Summary: Daily Flow Station Number : 207 Station Name : yarugu (207) Time-Series Type : Flow (cumecs) Latitude : 10: 5: 7 N Longitude : 0:24: 0 W Elevation : 0.0 metres Area : 16069.0 sq km With gaps!
Summary: Mean Daily Flow Station Number : 01003001 Station Name : Yagaba on Kulpawn Time-Series Type : Flow (cumecs) Latitude : 10:15: 0 N Longitude : 1:17: 0 W Elevation : 126.3 metres Area : 10470.0 sq km With gaps!
Map of discharge stations used by Mouhamed Idrissou for getting runoff data from the Dano Catchment.
Summary: Mean Daily Flow Station Number : 01010002 Station Name : Saboba on Oti Time-Series Type : Flow cumecs) Latitude : 9:36: 0 N Longitude : 0:19: 0 W Elevation : 94.7 metres Area : 49741.0 sq km With gaps!
This study analyses the climate change discourses and political dynamics in south-western Burkina Faso from three empirical entry points: (a) the production of the National Adaptation Programmes of Action; (b) climate change discourses in the...