Min/Max Daily Temperature at Yendi Station, Ghana, 1960 - 2010
Min/Max daily temperature at Yendi station, Ghana, from 1960 - 2010
Min/Max daily temperature at Yendi station, Ghana, from 1960 - 2010
Number of housing units given for different numbers of occupants in rural or urban areas of the Togolese communes Tambigou, Borgou, Mango, Sadori, Mogou, Tchamonga, Tchanaga.
Population of communitis in the Oti river basin, Togo. The numbers are on village, commune, and prefecture level. Prefectures: Kpendjal and Oti.
Summary: Mean Daily Flow Station Number : 01004001 Station Name : Nasia on Nasia Time-Series Type : Flow (cumecs) Latitude : 10: 9: 0 N Longitude : 0:48: 0 W Elevation : 106.8 metres Area : 5110.0 sq km With gaps!
Summary: Mean Daily Flow Station Name : Nawuni on White Volta Station Number : 01001003 Time-Series Type : Flow (cumecs) Latitude : 9:42: 0 N Longitude : 1: 5: 0 W Elevation : 94.4 metres Area : 91802.0 sq km With gaps!
Relative Humidity at Krete-Krachi Station, Ghana, 1960 - 2010. Two measurements/day (6:00 am / 3 pm). Gaps: 1975 1992
Relative Humidity at Tamale Station, Ghana, 1960 - 2010. Two measurements/day (6:00 am / 3 pm). Gaps: 1983/09 - /12 1984/04 - 1985/02 1985/06 - 1986/02 2010/09
Table with sorghum leaf area index (LAI) time series (primary/raw) from central field experiment plots in the Vea catchment (one of main research sites in the WASCAL Core Research Program), Ghana, 2013.
ime series on cultivated areas per crop in regions of Sénégal from 1997 to 2011 (yearly data, with gaps). Crops: Arachide, Coton, Mil, Sorgho, Maïs, Riz, Fonio, Niébé, Manioc Pastèque, Sésame, Bissap, Gombo, Courge, Voandzou, Tomate, Béref,...
Table with time series of maize LAI from central field experiment plots in the main research sites of the WASCAL Core Research Program 2014. Function of crop rotation and residue mangement, tillage and N fertilization. The data is captured at...