Precipitation Data Aniabisi Down slope/Ghana hourly, 2014-15
Precipitation data Aniabisi Down slope/Ghana Measured parameters: Precipitation Timestep: 1 hour
Precipitation data Aniabisi Down slope/Ghana Measured parameters: Precipitation Timestep: 1 hour
NAPAs provide a process for the LDCs to identify priority activities that respond to their urgent and immediate needs with regard to adaptation to climate change - those needs for which further delay could increase vulnerability or lead to...
L’Inventaire national des gaz à effet de serre de la Gambie de 2000 montre émissions totales d’environ 20,02 millions de tonnes équivalent CO2 (TCO2E) et par habitant émissions de 13,5 TCO2E. Ceci est insignifiant par rapport aux émissions des...
Table with sorghum leaf area index (LAI) time series (primary/raw) from central field experiment plots in the Vea catchment (one of main research sites in the WASCAL Core Research Program), Ghana, 2013.
Table with time series of maize LAI from central field experiment plots in the main research sites of the WASCAL Core Research Program 2014. Function of crop rotation and residue mangement, tillage and N fertilization. The data is captured at...
Population of communitis in the Oti river basin, Togo. The numbers are on village, commune, and prefecture level. Prefectures: Kpendjal and Oti.
Table with time series of cotton plant heights from central field experiment plots in the main research sites of the WASCAL Core Research Program 2013. Function of crop rotation and residue mangement, tillage and N fertilization. The data is...
Average rainfall figures. Monthly measurements in mm/m2
Table with sorghum phenology observations (primary/raw) from central field experiment plots in the Vea catchment (one of main research sites in the WASCAL Core Research Program), Ghana, 2013.
Bias corrected data of AFRICA CORDEX run, here: MPI-M-MPI-ESM-LR_historical_r1i1p1_MPI-CSC-REMO2009_v1. The bias corrected is done based on the concept of a quantile-quantile mapping using a fitted normal distribution and AgMERRA Input Data;...