The Gambia’s Second National Communication under the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change
The Republic of The Gambia ratified the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) in 1994 committing the country to the adoption and implementation of policies and measures mitigating the causes of climate change and adapting...
NAMA Design document for rural electrification with renewable energy in The Gambia
With a national electrification rate of an estimated 40 per cent and with certain rural areas having an electrification rate as low as 6 per cent, the time is ripe in The Gambia for the Rural Electrification with Renewable Energy (RE) Nationally...
Event database for droughts and floods in Burkina Faso, Benin and Ghana for various years (2001-2014)
Collection of national and local level records on past flood and drought events. Most Information is on flood events, because drought data was not provided. There are gaps in the records. For several years there are only very few entries...
The Gambia renewables readiness assessment 2013-
A Renewables Readiness Assessment (RRA) is a holistic evaluation of a country’s conditions and identifies the actions needed to overcome barriers to renewable energy deployment. This is a country-led process, with IRENA primarily providing...
Projected Future (2020-2050; 2070-2100):Daily Outputs of Near-surface Air Temperature from the High Resolution (0.11°) Regional Climate Model Simulations (CCLM-MPIESM-LR) over West Africa, (WASCAL Project)
High resolution (0.11°) regional climate simulations were carried out by the researchers at Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, Institute of Meteorology and Climate Research, Atmospheric Environmental Research (KIT/IMK-IFU) as part of the West...
Farmers' Perceptions & Adaptation to Climate Change Part IV: Coping measures; Dano, Burkina Faso, 2015
This dataset is the fourth of a series of datasets addressing farmers' adaptation to climate change in West-Africa, specifically in Dano, Burkina Faso and Dassari, Benin. This data was obtained by interviews with 121 people from 13 communities in...
Farmers' Perceptions & Adaptation to Climate Change Part III: Climate change perception; Dassari, Benin, 2013
This dataset is the third of a series of datasets addressing farmers' adaptation to climate change in West-Africa, specifically in Dano, Burkina Faso and Dassari, Benin. This Data was obtained by interviews with 137 people from 17 communities,in...
Daily Outputs of Near-surface Maximum Temperature from the High Resolution (0.11°) Regional Climate Model Simulations (CCLM-ERAInterim) over West Africa, 1980 - 2010 (WASCAL Project)
High resolution (0.11°) regional climate simulations were carried out by the researchers at Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, Institute of Meteorology and Climate Research, Atmospheric Environmental Research (KIT/IMK-IFU) as part of the West...
Bias-Corrected and raw CORDEX-AFRICA daily precipitation for Burkina Faso - ICHEC-EC-EARTH_rcp85_r1i1p1_KNMI-RACMO22T_v1 - RCP 8.5 (20060101-21001231)
Bias-corrected data set of daily precipitation for a study region in Burkina Faso and parts of Ghana, Togo and Benin. The precipitation simulations of the CORDEX Africa ensemble have been bias-corrected with a geostatistically based Quantile-...