Agricultural Potentiality of Bangladesh (from ZEF Working Paper 114: Mohammad Abdul Malek, Md. Amzad Hossain, Ratnajit Saha and Franz W. Gatzweiler: Mapping marginality hotspots, 2013)
An agricultural potential map of Bangladesh was produced using ArcGIS showing areas where several dimensions of agricultural potential overlap. The map shows that some regions of coastal areas and some areas of the Haor basin and northwestern...
Database on Rangeland related Variables from Climate Gradient
The database contains point data from several sites within the study area, comprising a steep south-north gradient of climatic aridity reaching from northern Ghana to central Burkina Faso between 9.0°N and 13.5°N latitude and 0.1°W and 2.0°W...
Questionnaire with Participants of a Conference in Tamale on Land Use and Land Cover Change (LULCC) Dynamics, Drivers of LULCC, Trends of Land Use Types/Crop Types, Upper East Region
The questionnaire was conducted in August 6 - 8, 2014, with 7 PhD and MSc participants of the "First International Conference on Enhancing Resilience to Climate and Ecosystem Changes in Semi-arid Africa" in Tamale, Ghana. The questionnaire was...
Interviews with local stakeholder on land use planning in Ghana; comparable study with the Western Region
We interviewed stakeholders in the land use planning process at the district level to get a clear understanding of urbanization and the process of formal and informal land use planning, as a complement to already existing data. Stakeholders are...
Questionnaire with researchers from the WASCAL CRP on most important Driving Forces of Land Use Change in the Upper East Region
The questionnaire is about current and future direct and indirect drivers of land use/cover change (LUCC) and trends of land cover and crop types under "business as usual" in the Upper East Region (UER). The questionnaire was conducted between...
Estimated livestock population of Gowrie subdistrict of Bongo district, Ghana, 2010-2016
The population of livestock estimated for the Gowrie subdistrict of the Bongo district in the Upper East Region of Ghana. Data from 2013-2016 are based on projections with an annual growth rate of 10%.