Precipitation Data Lare/Burkina Faso daily, 2013-15
Precipitation data Lare/Burkina Faso Measured parameters: Precipitation Timestep: daily
Precipitation data Lare/Burkina Faso Measured parameters: Precipitation Timestep: daily
Precipitation data Wantehoun/Benin Measured parameters: Precipitation Timestep: hourly
Precipitation data Tambiri-2/Burkina Faso Measured parameters: Precipitation Timestep: hourly
Precipitation data Aniabisi Upper slope/Ghana Measured parameters: Precipitation Timestep: 1 hour
Cette étude fournit une analyse des observations environnementales effectuées par les agriculteurs, ainsi que des modèles d'inculpation dans le nord du Ghana, une région agricole extrêmement vulnérable au changement climatique. Les données...
The time series of maps is showing three differnt forage parameters (green biomass, metabolisable energy, metabolisable energy yield) from 04.12.2015 to 29.09.2016. The covered area matches the Vea catchment at the border region of Ghana and...
Migration presents a common livelihood strategy in the South-West region of Burkina Faso. Cross-border return migration is deeply embedded in the society. These interviews generates new knowledge about the shared ‘cultures of migration’. They...
An agricultural potential map of Bangladesh was produced using ArcGIS showing areas where several dimensions of agricultural potential overlap. The map shows that some regions of coastal areas and some areas of the Haor basin and northwestern...
The database contains point data from several sites within the study area, comprising a steep south-north gradient of climatic aridity reaching from northern Ghana to central Burkina Faso between 9.0°N and 13.5°N latitude and 0.1°W and 2.0°W...