River Discharge Batiara1, Dano Catchment (Burkina Faso)
River discharge at the Batiara1 gauging station. Station coordinates: X 505881 Y 1240305
River discharge at the Batiara1 gauging station. Station coordinates: X 505881 Y 1240305
Groundwater dynamic for Tambiri3_1 station in the Dano catchment for the period 02/04/2014 to 02/12/2014. Station coordinates (UTM): X 502582.08 ;Y 1236246.71
In situ infiltration rate measurements using the Hood infiltrometer.
Groundwater dynamic for Bankandi station in the Dano catchment during the year 2013. Station coordinates (UTM): X 489905 Y 1243909
Bulk density values for the 21 soil units of the Dano catchment. Also include the horizon depth for each soil.