Hourly Rainfall Data for 5 Stations in the Dano Catchment, Burkina Faso, 2014-2016
Hourly rainfall at 5 Stations in Burkina Faso.
Hourly rainfall at 5 Stations in Burkina Faso.
Weekly Top Soil Moisture Data from 64 Points in the Dano Catchment, Burkina Faso, 2014-2016
Thesis - Abstract Supervisors: - Prof. B. Diekkrueger Contribution to the Core Research Program Work-Package: RC 2 - Landscape Dynamics WP 2.3 - Water Scarcity
Report on on 17 Geo-electrical tomography transect at in Dano. The reports of the methodology, transects and a short interpretation of the transects. Device used for measurement is SYSCAL Pro switch 48 multi-electrodes equipement, 5m spacing.
Map of discharge stations used by Mouhamed Idrissou for getting runoff data from the Dano Catchment.