

12 results

National Adaptation Programme of Action (Niger)

    L’objectif général du PANA est de contribuer à atténuer les effets néfastes de la variabilité du climat et des changements sur les populations les plus vulnérables. perspective d'un développement durable. Dans ce domaine, certaines mesures d’...

    National Adaptation Programme of Action (Niger)

      The overall objective of the NAPA is to contribute to the alleviation of the adverse effects of climate variability and changes on the most vulnerable populations with the prospect of a sustainable development. In this area, some adaptation...

      Coudoumaria-39: WASCAL Donated Automatic Weather Station in Niger

      WASCAL CoC,WASCAL Data Management,WASCAL Observation Networks (WAS-ONs)

        This is a BMBF funded Automatic Weather Station (AWS) donated by WASCAL to Burkina Faso through DMN(Niger) to strengthen the climate observatories of the member countries, co-develop together a regional/transboundary observation network to...

        Chical-14: WASCAL Donated Automatic Weather Station in Niger

        WASCAL CoC,WASCAL Data Management,WASCAL Observation Networks (WAS-ONs)

          This is a BMBF funded Automatic Weather Station (AWS) donated by WASCAL to Burkina Faso through DMN(Niger) to strengthen the climate observatories of the member countries, co-develop together a regional/transboundary observation network to...